
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How I'll carry out my agenda

today I updated my facebook page with how I'll carry out my agenda, and here is how I'll do it

1. The complain center has only 3 people working in it (as far as I know) and there is a lot of load on them, imagine handling the financial, academic and student life complaints of around6000 student!, so the first step is to higher another worker or two, and to ensure that they are working with their full effort, the complaint center should be partially supervised by the SU, by students who now how irritating it feels to have a frozen complaint for 4 weeks

2. to provide more food variety the uni can contract with some of the famous food chain (Mcdonalds, Pizzahut, Burger king) or maybe an infamous chain, you name it, I'll conduct a survey, collect the students opinions and work according to them.
about the stands we have in B1 &C1, the should include more brands (Mlto, Back rolls, Rotato, etc) of course I'll take YOUR opinion in what other product these stands should sell
the Club Area next to cilantro & l'aroma should be shaded and we'll add tables there so we have more place to sit in, and maybe we can build another cafeteria or shaded area next to "3m Saad"

3. about the library & books, and since I'm speaking mainly in the name of my alumni, I'll hand in a request for management including all the academic books that we need right nw in our study, and press on them to increase their copies, and to get those that aren't there already "like the consumer behavior book"
I'll also hand in another list with the names of the famous self-help, & self-development books, of course I'll ant hand the lists and stand still, I'll make sure that they'd get the books

4. to allows the student to evaluate the performance of the administrative staff, we'll design an online evaluation page with the names of, coordinates, admission officers & security, and you as a student can evaluate whoever you want and say your opinion about them, of course u'll not have to evaluate the whole list (u'll probably not know all these people, but u'll remember the face and name of the staff that has been mean to you), this time we'll insure that this evaluation would be effective

5.about the computer system, well thats the hardest point, and I won't ie and say that I'll completely solve, but at least I'l try to enhance the performance. Through out the last 3 years, I've seen a lot of MET & IET students that have a lot of bright ideas to improve the system, what I'm hoping to do is to organize regular meeting, with these students & the IT, and meetings between the IT & outside consultants, and design a new system, or come up with ways to improve the current one, to do this I'l have to cooperate with the SU members from Engineering faculty as they would have more technical knowledge to supervise such movement

6. about non academic elective courses, we can start with photography & painting courses given by the interested DRs from Applied Arts, and in the future, we can do some courses with outside professionals, and give courses like, piano, guitar, self-defence ... etc

more details to be added, & I'm open for suggestions

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