
Monday, April 25, 2011

facebook questions, & religion

facebook questions were a good idea, for me I enjoy it when I come across a question while checking my newsfeed, it makes me stop for a few second and work my mind, its also nice to see where you & your friends stand on different matter

some of the questions I came lately across, were questions about religion, like the one in the picture

now I'm not against saying your religious belief out laud, no, not at all, I'm a muslim and proud & that is a fact that I'd NEVER seek to hide

we all know what Egypt is going through these days, there are some - and we know exactly who those some are - are trying to point out our differences, trying to separate a nation that has been unified for thousands of years

I'm not writing this post to discuss the matter of Muslims VS Christians, cause that is a silly matter that shouldn't even occupy our mind for few seconds, I'm writing this post to say that these questions too are meaningless & silly

the day we stop asking each other "are you Muslim?" or "are you Christian?" is the day that no one would ever be able to  find a reason to dwell upon to separate this nation, because then we would have really realized that there is no difference between us as a human beings and would have closed that door forever

those questions were sometimes asked by Egyptians, I checked,  and from this post I ask you - Egyptians & friends at least - not participate in them, there is no meaning to keep emphasizing, that I'm different from you, lets for this moment emphasize the things we have in common till we pass this period safely

comment and tell me if you agree with me please