
Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Would you rather be a guest at the royal wedding or at the Breaking Dawn wedding?"

(Before I start, for hose who don't know, "Breaking Dawn" is the final book in the Twilight series where Edward "the vampire" 'finally' gets to marry Bella)

ok, ok, ok, okay, God please help me to stay calm

this question - as you see in the picture - was asked today by the Twilight Saga page on facebook

I might not be a Twilight fan, but I understand how the fans are just so crazy about everything twilight, but to compare between a real thing that you might  witness only once in your life, and a fictionally, probably never happening thing, is just so absorb and I just can''t understand it

besides that is a royal wedding, A ROYAL WEDDING people,  its not Gamal Mubarak getting married you know, this is going to be legendary, to be something to talk about for years to come, breaking dawn and probably Twilight would die sooner and people would forget about it with the next big movie to hit the cinemas

what is still more shocking to me is the answers to the question, I'm just speechless, are people really that  - what to say - blinded, or that unconscious, don't they realize that Breaking dawn wedding is just pure fiction, its not even real, everyone there is acting, at least there might be a love story behind the royal wedding (I don't know)

a sample of the replies is in the pic to the left, and big thanks goes to that person who said "both" :(

I'm just annoyed, speechless and shocked at how people became to think about everything related to vampires

P.S I fixed the commenting problem, you can comment a bit easier now, and as an anonymous if you want, so go ahead, share you opinion, make me change my mind

The story behind the girl who made it to the top 20

I think most of you know that I made it to the to ranking, I ranked the 17 elhamdulellah :)
I'm not writing this to say how happy I am (I'm happy of course) but I'll not waste your time with that, I'm writing this post to say 3 things, and hope I don't end up wasting your time " :D

the first thing, and allow me to write it in arabic first is "ضاقت فلما استحكمت حلقاتها، فرجت وما كنت اظنها تفرح" (hope I said it right)
when life gets so hard, and you feel that there is no way out, it suddenly eases again, and everything goes well
the 5th semester (the one I ranked in) was the worst semester ever, even worse than semester 1, it was my dream to be in the ranking, and that semester I decided that its now or never
I studied so hard for the midterms, and I thought that I must get the best marks I could ever get
but I got the disappointment of my life, and with every grade announced I was even more disappointed
I'll not say that the grades were bad, but they were below the ranking level
I gave up, and started to convince myself, that I'm just not bright enough
that was too much pressure on my nerves, and I entered into a severe depression
and when I say severe, I mean severe, I took the online tests, but told no one then
a lot of accidents happened during that semester to me and to my family, which added even more to my bad emotions, and to my weight to be honest  :D
this depression somehow, glued me to my chair, sometimes on facebook, sometimes studying, and my parents pushed me to just finish the fight till the end, and I studied with complete doubt
I remember that I had the worst eye dryness ever those finals, and my mom was completely worried, and I was the happiest person on planet when the semester ended, and I got to travel away
I never accepted the idea that I'm not bright but I had something else to concentrate upon then; the revolution, and that gave me hopes beyond measure again in everything in life

during the 6th semester, God took two things away from me, a friend, and the Student Union, which has been a dream from a very long time
I was almost sure about the SU loss, I nominated myself very late, and just for the sake of the experience
later this semester, I came to know other friends more deeply and became to appreciate them more, and one night I wrote on facebook that "whenever God takes away something from you, its because he'll give you another beautiful thing" and that is the second thing I wanned to say in this post
10 minutes later, however I knew that the ranking was out
we were only sure about the top 2 people, so I removed this facebook status, fearing that people might think me talking about the ranking

that night, I had hopes that I tried t suppress, but one of my friends; Afaf Aref, told me "تفائلوا بالخير تجيدوه" "be optimistic. and you'll always find good things" and my mom simply said "who knows!"

I slept with my mobile next to my bed, and the next morning I was awaken with a phone call from another friend announcing the news (I'm not sure if she would want me to tell her name but I'm obliged to say "Thank you very much S.M" )

the third thing I wanned to say is what my mom told me that day "God is our father, and a father would give a son a thing and bans it from the other, but in the end, he is sure that they are all equal, cause he is their father and loves them equally"
we are equal people, if you are not in the ranking, then you have something else I don't have, and if you want to have something you need to give up something else (that is simple economics & opportunity cost) - I gave up my mental and physical health, and a couple of other things -
if you set a dream and work hard for it, - trust me - you''ll reach it, the human's will is very powerful
one of my dreams were the ranking, your dream maybe different, but no matter what it is, never tell yourself that you are weak like I did, believe in yourself, work hard, and sacrifice, and you'll be reworded

Special thanks goes to my parents, sister, brother, and all my friends who stood beside me, may God make all your dreams come true

P.S I fixed the comments problem and you can now comment a bit more easier

Monday, April 25, 2011

facebook questions, & religion

facebook questions were a good idea, for me I enjoy it when I come across a question while checking my newsfeed, it makes me stop for a few second and work my mind, its also nice to see where you & your friends stand on different matter

some of the questions I came lately across, were questions about religion, like the one in the picture

now I'm not against saying your religious belief out laud, no, not at all, I'm a muslim and proud & that is a fact that I'd NEVER seek to hide

we all know what Egypt is going through these days, there are some - and we know exactly who those some are - are trying to point out our differences, trying to separate a nation that has been unified for thousands of years

I'm not writing this post to discuss the matter of Muslims VS Christians, cause that is a silly matter that shouldn't even occupy our mind for few seconds, I'm writing this post to say that these questions too are meaningless & silly

the day we stop asking each other "are you Muslim?" or "are you Christian?" is the day that no one would ever be able to  find a reason to dwell upon to separate this nation, because then we would have really realized that there is no difference between us as a human beings and would have closed that door forever

those questions were sometimes asked by Egyptians, I checked,  and from this post I ask you - Egyptians & friends at least - not participate in them, there is no meaning to keep emphasizing, that I'm different from you, lets for this moment emphasize the things we have in common till we pass this period safely

comment and tell me if you agree with me please

Sunday, April 24, 2011

the best of Broadway show - work in progress

Oh, what to say, the show was fascinating, very fascinating, and I deeply wished that it had never ended

this was my first time to attend anything at the opera, and honestly I knew nothing about broadway, it was my wonderful friend insisted on taking me to see the show. we missed the first part of the show as we were late, but the second part blow my mind off, that I'm very angry with myself for being that ignorant about broadway and their shows

I'm not a judge, and its not me who can review their shows, but they know how to make a show, they took advantage of everything even the theater isles
you sit there looking at the stage, and you suddenly discover that one of the dancers is passing right next to you, while others are dancing on the stage itself, you don't know where to focus and you don't wanna miss a thing!

I was not sure if video recording was allowed at first and thus didn't record the first three acts, but I found some of them on youtube, and here they are

1. Starmania
sorry can't find it on the web, it was the best and I really wanned to hear the song once more, it was a french song and it sounded something like "I'm an artist"

2. Cats - Memory

3. The Phantom of the Opera
this is longer than the one I saw, and for me the performance on OUR opera stage was better :P
of course I was very happy with this act because it has some vampires in it :D

and from here starts my recording, the sound quality is not that good, it was a hundred times more brilliant in reality

4. Beauty & the Beast - Be our Guest

5. Beauty & the Beast - Beauty & the Beast 

6. Chess

7. Hair

8. Jesus Christ

9. Mama Meia

(I'm still uploading but decided to post this finished part and update it as I go)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Emma, by Jane Austen. A review

This is my second Jane Austen novel, the first was Pride & Prejudice, that I read last summer, and although both novels are great, Emma is deeper

Unlike Pride & Prejudice, that progressed a bit slowly and was a bit boring at some intervals, Emma too unexpected turns sometimes

I tried to write a summary of the novel as I usually like to do, but this novel is very complex, and has many character that the summary would take 2 or 3 pages and I'm sure that would be a very good thing, however  really recommend reading wikipedia's summary, they say everything better than I can

however I found the 1996 Emma movie on youtube, here is part 1, I didn't watch it all yet, but part one is very similar to the novel, and probably the rest of the movie would to, so at least watch the movie if you don't have time to read the novel

what I'm very happy about is that Emma Mr knightly & Frank Churchill looks the way I imagined them (except that I imagined her with black hair) hope I'll find the full movie online

there is only one criticism to the novel. I always say that great writer seem to run out of ink or paper at the end of their stories :D the ending was very quick an unconvincing, Harriet & Emma were both in love with Mr Knightly, but when Harriet gets her second proposal from Mr Robert Martin, she immediately accepts as if she weren't in love with another man few pages ago!! that gives the novel its happy ending without breaking the friendship relation between Emma & Harriet

I'm always in favor of happy endings, and I'm not against a happy ending for Harriet, but, I imagined that Harriet would never be happy ever after, she has broken her heart 2 times already, and it shouldn't have been that easy for her to accept that her best friend is marrying the man she loved Harriet simply married another man and moved on, because he proposed for the second time, not because of her social situation or of feeling that Mr Martin is the best man she can aspire to, this in my opinion would have been a more convincing happy ending

still I really recommend reading the novel I even think it should be mandatory taught to all girls at school, (I'm not kidding). it shows how you might be over self confident with your speculations that you might not see what is going on clearly, it shows how easily you can be confused on who likes who,  and how easy it is to almost destroy a persons life thinking that you are doing them good

Thursday, April 21, 2011

GUC SU Elections resuts

did not when the elections, wooooow :D
the results are as follows
Me 36.5%
Mohamed El-Khayat 64.5%

36% is a very good percentage considering that my campaign was not that organized and was launched in less then 2 days, I'm very happy with that percentage

thanks for all who voted for me, & congratulations to l-Khayat  

Monday, April 18, 2011

Observations on GUC-SU first day of elections 18/4/2011

today was the big day we - or at least I - have been waiting for; the first day of elections
it was a very long day for me as I had a quiz and a midterm at 5.30, reached home at around 8.30, and thats why this post has been late, but anyway thats not our problem now

the elections date was announced very late, we all noticed that; we suddenly knew that the elections were tomorrow, - well technically there was a mail sent a week ago to the candidates only as far as a I remember, that mentioned the elections date, but we really needed the confirmation earlier so we could have been more ready -
 however the university did a good job with all those posters that said "your voice counts, go elect @ C1" some of these posters were even hanged on the Pepsi refrigerator's door in Pronto caff'e, though still that doesn not make up for the lateness of announcing the date

I went to elect at around 12 o'clock, and I've to confess that the elections were very well organized, there was a volunteer waiting at the C1 door making sure that this is the entrance for your faculty, and a lot of other volunteers inside the hall guiding you to what you are supposed to do, it was really smooth, and they looked ready to handle any rush that can happen

but, and that is a big and serious but, there were a huge draw back in the organization

I think there is an international law that on any elections, there should never be anyone standing outside telling people who to elect,
unfortunately that rule was infringed , some people told me that they elected X because a lot of people waiting outside the elections hall were saying that he/she is good, and that influenced their decision, they didn't even care to read the names written on the voting paper, and just looked for the names they were told were creditable

I went to one of the volunteers in the elections hall, told her the matter, and the volunteer made fun of it saying that people would not be influenced by such a thing and they would elect whoever they were convinced with, but of course I know what I was told, and know how easy it is to be influenced in such situations specially when you don't personally know the candidates

there is also the other basic rule that, when you are electing there shouldn't be someone standing next you, because he can influence your decision
well, what I sow today with my own eyes when I went to elect was 2 friends each holding the voting paper, and one of them telling the other chose X, Y & Z, and a volunteer was standing right next to them saying nothing!!!!

that is nonsense real nonsense,  if the GUC means these elections to be transparent clean elections - and I'm sure they mean to - these infringements should not be tolerated by any means, there are basic elections rules that should universally be followed, and they must be followed here, its not that we are short of resources, we are full of resources, and the volunteers are really great,  we only need some organization and all these problems will be solved, but they shouldn't be ignored, as I said these are basic elections rules

for me these problems are big ones, and they need to be prevented tomorrow and the day after, I don't know how can I draw the organizers attention to these things, but they really need to be solved, I would love if someone can write in the comments what I should do

people were excited today with the election, so please don't make anything ruin this excitement

Monday, April 11, 2011

An Interview with candidates Onspot

yesterday I had a short interview with GUC SU Candidate Onspot, it a student group that arranges interviews with the interested candidate to give them a chance to introduce themselves and their agenda to the GUC

its a great project, and a great interview too, and thanks to Candidates Onspot

Sunday, April 10, 2011

تعليقات حول كلمه الأخ مبارك الأخيره

مع اني بقالي كتير، من ايام ما اتحي مبارك ياعني ولا سمعت صوتوا ولا شوفت طلعته البهيه، الا اني اكتشفت ان صوته لسه بيوترني وبيضايقني، وكان نفسي اقلب القناه فالحقيقيه، بس من الواضح اني كنت طول اليوم بضور علي  طريقه اغيظ بها نفسي ومش لاقيه، واتضح ان ده اسهل طريقه تغيظ نفسك بيها

وانا بسمع الكلمه مش عارفه ايه حسيت انه كان طالع يجيب المراره لباقي الشعب اللي مجالهمش سكر او ضغط اثناء خطابات الثوره

وادي الكلمه عشان لو كان اي حد ما سمعهاش ولو انه ما يسمعش وحش ياعني

انا عندي ملحوظتين بقي ماعرفش انا عندي حق فيهم ولا لا بس هقولهم وخلاص

اول حاجه انه قال انه مستعد لتقديم مكاتبات بس يجي بنفسه لا، دي نقطه كلنا خدنا بالنا منها وفهمناها اكتر لما عرفنا ان النائب العام كان طالبه للتحقيق اصلا
النقطه التانيه اللي لغايت دلوقتي مشفتش ناس كتير بتتكلم فيها ان مبارك قال انه وزوجته لا يملكوا اي ارصده بالخارج، ياعني اولاده يملكوا ارصده بالخارج، طب مش غاريبه دي شويه؟ طب ليه ما خباش؟ كان بيحاوليبقي صريح ياعني ولا ايه؟

المهم ان موضوع التحقيق مع مبارك ده هوا اللي بيفسر كل اللي كان بيحصل في الفتره اللي فاتت من مشاكل امنيه كترت تاني حتي احداث التحرير، والي كل الناس اللي كانت بتسآل الفتره اللي فاتتت هوا ابه الليبحصل - وانا كنت منهم- فالاجابه كانت واضحه النهارده

اظرف تعليق بقي اتكتب عالغيسبوك كان بيقول انه كآننا عايشين في فيلم رعب وبعد مشهد النهايه الوحش يحرك ايده من تحت الانقاض والشاشه تكتب"النهايه" بس طبعا الوحش برضه ماماتش ولسه عايش ولازم ناخد بالنا منه 

Student Union's elections speech

on the 6th of April 2011 I gave a short speech at 12.45 on the B1 stage (cafeteria), it was for 6 minutes only, and I introduced myself and briefly discussed my agenda

sorry for the bad sound quality but there was a problem with the mic 

it was a great experience, and I'm so happy that I had a chance to stand on that stage and deliver my agenda & hopes to my friends and colleges, I cant deny that I wanted to hide afterwards and felt shocked at myself for having such a courage to do stand and speak in front of all these people, but if we go back in time I'd do it again without a blink

Thursday, April 7, 2011

my facebook account temporarily unavailable due to a site issue

as the screen-shoot shows, my facebook account has been down for an hour now,  from around 3.00pm, and is still down till the time of posting this

whet is hilarious is that when I saw this message for the 1st time I was dying to update my status to say that my account is temporarily down, and I kept refreshing, hoping that the account page would open for 10 seconds, let me update a status and then go down again :D

my friends' accounts are still working however, and this proves what the site message says that "some accounts`" only are unavailable

what is happening here reminds me with the problem tiwtter faced few weeks ago too, hope this one is not as large in scale, and it makes me wonder on the real stability and reliability of those social networks

so, has your account been down today too, or am I the only lucky one?!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How I'll carry out my agenda

today I updated my facebook page with how I'll carry out my agenda, and here is how I'll do it

1. The complain center has only 3 people working in it (as far as I know) and there is a lot of load on them, imagine handling the financial, academic and student life complaints of around6000 student!, so the first step is to higher another worker or two, and to ensure that they are working with their full effort, the complaint center should be partially supervised by the SU, by students who now how irritating it feels to have a frozen complaint for 4 weeks

2. to provide more food variety the uni can contract with some of the famous food chain (Mcdonalds, Pizzahut, Burger king) or maybe an infamous chain, you name it, I'll conduct a survey, collect the students opinions and work according to them.
about the stands we have in B1 &C1, the should include more brands (Mlto, Back rolls, Rotato, etc) of course I'll take YOUR opinion in what other product these stands should sell
the Club Area next to cilantro & l'aroma should be shaded and we'll add tables there so we have more place to sit in, and maybe we can build another cafeteria or shaded area next to "3m Saad"

3. about the library & books, and since I'm speaking mainly in the name of my alumni, I'll hand in a request for management including all the academic books that we need right nw in our study, and press on them to increase their copies, and to get those that aren't there already "like the consumer behavior book"
I'll also hand in another list with the names of the famous self-help, & self-development books, of course I'll ant hand the lists and stand still, I'll make sure that they'd get the books

4. to allows the student to evaluate the performance of the administrative staff, we'll design an online evaluation page with the names of, coordinates, admission officers & security, and you as a student can evaluate whoever you want and say your opinion about them, of course u'll not have to evaluate the whole list (u'll probably not know all these people, but u'll remember the face and name of the staff that has been mean to you), this time we'll insure that this evaluation would be effective

5.about the computer system, well thats the hardest point, and I won't ie and say that I'll completely solve, but at least I'l try to enhance the performance. Through out the last 3 years, I've seen a lot of MET & IET students that have a lot of bright ideas to improve the system, what I'm hoping to do is to organize regular meeting, with these students & the IT, and meetings between the IT & outside consultants, and design a new system, or come up with ways to improve the current one, to do this I'l have to cooperate with the SU members from Engineering faculty as they would have more technical knowledge to supervise such movement

6. about non academic elective courses, we can start with photography & painting courses given by the interested DRs from Applied Arts, and in the future, we can do some courses with outside professionals, and give courses like, piano, guitar, self-defence ... etc

more details to be added, & I'm open for suggestions

Saturday, April 2, 2011

nominated myself for the Student Union, Campus Life committee, MGT 3rd year

yesterday I made the dcision to nominate myself for the SU, Campus life committee

why did I nominate myself? well I've been thinking a lot about nominating myself, and discovered that I've a lot that I want to do to this uni, that I deply love it and want to make it a better place
but they say love is not everything, and that is somehow true, the second thing that pushed me to nominat my self is that I've been  - somehow - an active student, & an advocater of my alummi's rights (or at least I think so) and if I really want to adovcate the voice of my alummi, than the best spot to do so is from the SU

so here is my agenda, I'm ready to discuss it and add more to it, please read it, and give me your vote if you agree that I can make a diffrence, and always remember, your voice counts!

1. make the complain center more effective so that the complaints take less time and to be partially managed by the Student Unio

2. to provide more food variety, cafeterias, shaded areas, tables & benches were students cam, socialize, eat, and spend their gaps.

3. enhancing the variety of the books in the library so to include more academic & self-help books, and increase the number of copies available for borrowing, especially the number of copies of the books necessary for course work and studying

4. designing an effective mechanism that allows the student to evaluate the performance of the administrative staff

5.enhancing the quality of the computer system so that its down less & making more things computerized (add courses, droop courses, complaints, etc) to save the students' time, while also trying to give the students the opportunity to make their own schedules, & opening more labs for on campus use

6. allow students to take some non academic elective courses that are NOT included in the GPA, like courses in photography, music, & self defense
oh, and what do you think about the flyer? :D