
Thursday, December 15, 2011

When a Student loses their flash memory

Putting my hand inside my bag's small pocket to take my door keys out
"something is missing" I thought "where is my flasha! It should be here, I put it here! OMG mosta2baly"
My heart sank as I hurriedly looked inside the pocket. My flash memory is nowhere to be found
"the seminar, my seminar paper, did I copy the last version on my hard drive? OMG, god please don't let this happen to me"
I started looking for my flash memory everywhere desperately hoping that I have a copy of whatever it had on it
"I'm lost, all is lost!" I started speculating about the black future awaiting me, and the hard days that are to come, as I franticly searched the bag
I freeze as my hand hit something, I look more carefully inside; a little white and green plastic figure in a silver key chain with small harts attached to it, is laid at the button of the bag against my purple notebook
"felaaaashty" I almost exclaim delightedly as I pick it up "thank u God, thank u for saving me"
I carefully put the flash memory inside the bag's small pocket where it belongs, and open the door with the biggest smile on my face :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

An Ad to encourage tourists to visit Egypt targeting Canadians by me

This ad is designed to attract Canadians to visit Egypt, and was an assignment that I had to do last semester in a consumer behavior course

this Ad has taken a lot of time and I wanned it to look as professional as I could and so I had to research the interests of Canadians and what attracts them to visit a certain country, and here I've to thank Google, and my friend Marwa Ahmed and her aunt Tant Amina for giving me the info I needed

what I found was that canadians loved nature and seas that's why I featured river nile, red see and some greenery
they are big eaters and the second part of the ad focused on the local Egyptian food, and I used this point to draw attention to the great Egyptian revolution that - not only Canadians - but the whole world is interested in
Canadians also don't have a president, their prime minister is the boss, and that was the last point that the ad featured as a similarity between Egypt after the revolution and Canada

what you might notice is that I didn't focus much on the famous touristic historical attractions because canadians are not that interested in history as much as they are interested in the other factors mentioned above

the videos used in the ad, are from different tourism ad for Egypt, and the voice over is by me

Please tell me your comments, I'm open to all opinions :)

All rights reserved :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Disney's "the Princess & the Frog"

I've wanned to watch this movie for a long time, and expected it to be very engaging and entertaining

the film was actually entertaining for the first mmmm 45 minutes, however, after that things seemed to be moving very slowly that it got me bored and made think of it as a waste of time

but I although the film was boring, I need to give it some more credit, I think that this is Disney's first time to

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Love Story" Movie review

Another classic that I haven't seen before

my friend who gave me the movie on a flash disk, said that if I had liked "A walk to remember " the movie, I'd love this
honestly after watching "love story", "A walk to remember" seems to be nothing in comparison with it

"love story" is very touching and has a lot of lessons to give
at first I thought the acting was not that good, but later on I liked everyone who was in the movie, and considering how old this movie is, it was done very professionally

the only flaw the movie had that would have killed it, was during the first 30 seconds of the movie, when Oliver said "what to say about a 25 year old dead girl ..... " that tiny sentence made me expect Jenny's death every minute throughout the movie, even when they were just taking the elevator or riding a car :D
had those 30 seconds been removed, it would have made me more involved when Jenny was dying, but for me this flaw is not a big deal compared with how beautiful the movie was

its a great movie, go watch it if you haven't or tell me if you agree with me that the beginning sentence should have been removed

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Godfather Movie part 1 review

believe it or not, today was my first time to watch the Godfather, and I didn't even read the novels yet, so I don't know if throughout this review I'm criticizing the movie only, or booth the movie and the novel, but I'll say what I thought about what I had just seen

will anyone here kill me if I say that it was a horrible movie? hope not

I know that the movie is very old, but for me the first half of the move was VERY boring, till the Godfather got shoot (and by the way, I don't really think that someone like the Godfather would stop to buy some fruits on his way home, couldn't they come up with a better scene!) and at other times, things went real fast that I couldn't easily understand who was after who -even worse suddenly you discover that Michael got married AND has a kid, who is a toddler!! -

the movie only started to be interesting when Michael, decided to revenge for his father, that was, mmmmm touching - if that is the right word to use -

after that Michael runs away to hide, and meets Aplliena, whom he almost immediately marries, though he knows that we is sought for revenge, and feels so bad when she gets killed, as if it was that hard for a Godfather-to-be to expect that coming

and when Michael later one gets back to America he proposes to Kai, and simply says "marry me, I need you Kai", why do u need her? you can spare her the trouble, spare yourself the trouble, and were you that in love with her that you got married before!!
For me, that whole part about Mike's personal life was very unconvincing

the interesting parts about the movie, were those about the lives of the Godfather's sons and daughter, those scenes reminded me with our Arabic series "المال والبنون" they simply shows that filthy money leads to a miserable life - guess the arabic series did it better -

the other interesting part was how the Godfather was against drug dealing, I was surprised that such a person, would have those high morals, do they want to say that he is not that a bad man after all?
well to be hones every human has a good and a bad side, and it was nice to show the good side of such a heartless underground leader

however, that doesn't mean that I liked the movie, there was too much blood, too much killing, too much waste of time, and too much time overload at other scenes, honestly don't waste your time, just read wikipedia's summary and listen to "speak softly love" song, because that musical background was he best thing about the movie

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Would you rather be a guest at the royal wedding or at the Breaking Dawn wedding?"

(Before I start, for hose who don't know, "Breaking Dawn" is the final book in the Twilight series where Edward "the vampire" 'finally' gets to marry Bella)

ok, ok, ok, okay, God please help me to stay calm

this question - as you see in the picture - was asked today by the Twilight Saga page on facebook

I might not be a Twilight fan, but I understand how the fans are just so crazy about everything twilight, but to compare between a real thing that you might  witness only once in your life, and a fictionally, probably never happening thing, is just so absorb and I just can''t understand it

besides that is a royal wedding, A ROYAL WEDDING people,  its not Gamal Mubarak getting married you know, this is going to be legendary, to be something to talk about for years to come, breaking dawn and probably Twilight would die sooner and people would forget about it with the next big movie to hit the cinemas

what is still more shocking to me is the answers to the question, I'm just speechless, are people really that  - what to say - blinded, or that unconscious, don't they realize that Breaking dawn wedding is just pure fiction, its not even real, everyone there is acting, at least there might be a love story behind the royal wedding (I don't know)

a sample of the replies is in the pic to the left, and big thanks goes to that person who said "both" :(

I'm just annoyed, speechless and shocked at how people became to think about everything related to vampires

P.S I fixed the commenting problem, you can comment a bit easier now, and as an anonymous if you want, so go ahead, share you opinion, make me change my mind

The story behind the girl who made it to the top 20

I think most of you know that I made it to the to ranking, I ranked the 17 elhamdulellah :)
I'm not writing this to say how happy I am (I'm happy of course) but I'll not waste your time with that, I'm writing this post to say 3 things, and hope I don't end up wasting your time " :D

the first thing, and allow me to write it in arabic first is "ضاقت فلما استحكمت حلقاتها، فرجت وما كنت اظنها تفرح" (hope I said it right)
when life gets so hard, and you feel that there is no way out, it suddenly eases again, and everything goes well
the 5th semester (the one I ranked in) was the worst semester ever, even worse than semester 1, it was my dream to be in the ranking, and that semester I decided that its now or never
I studied so hard for the midterms, and I thought that I must get the best marks I could ever get
but I got the disappointment of my life, and with every grade announced I was even more disappointed
I'll not say that the grades were bad, but they were below the ranking level
I gave up, and started to convince myself, that I'm just not bright enough
that was too much pressure on my nerves, and I entered into a severe depression
and when I say severe, I mean severe, I took the online tests, but told no one then
a lot of accidents happened during that semester to me and to my family, which added even more to my bad emotions, and to my weight to be honest  :D
this depression somehow, glued me to my chair, sometimes on facebook, sometimes studying, and my parents pushed me to just finish the fight till the end, and I studied with complete doubt
I remember that I had the worst eye dryness ever those finals, and my mom was completely worried, and I was the happiest person on planet when the semester ended, and I got to travel away
I never accepted the idea that I'm not bright but I had something else to concentrate upon then; the revolution, and that gave me hopes beyond measure again in everything in life

during the 6th semester, God took two things away from me, a friend, and the Student Union, which has been a dream from a very long time
I was almost sure about the SU loss, I nominated myself very late, and just for the sake of the experience
later this semester, I came to know other friends more deeply and became to appreciate them more, and one night I wrote on facebook that "whenever God takes away something from you, its because he'll give you another beautiful thing" and that is the second thing I wanned to say in this post
10 minutes later, however I knew that the ranking was out
we were only sure about the top 2 people, so I removed this facebook status, fearing that people might think me talking about the ranking

that night, I had hopes that I tried t suppress, but one of my friends; Afaf Aref, told me "تفائلوا بالخير تجيدوه" "be optimistic. and you'll always find good things" and my mom simply said "who knows!"

I slept with my mobile next to my bed, and the next morning I was awaken with a phone call from another friend announcing the news (I'm not sure if she would want me to tell her name but I'm obliged to say "Thank you very much S.M" )

the third thing I wanned to say is what my mom told me that day "God is our father, and a father would give a son a thing and bans it from the other, but in the end, he is sure that they are all equal, cause he is their father and loves them equally"
we are equal people, if you are not in the ranking, then you have something else I don't have, and if you want to have something you need to give up something else (that is simple economics & opportunity cost) - I gave up my mental and physical health, and a couple of other things -
if you set a dream and work hard for it, - trust me - you''ll reach it, the human's will is very powerful
one of my dreams were the ranking, your dream maybe different, but no matter what it is, never tell yourself that you are weak like I did, believe in yourself, work hard, and sacrifice, and you'll be reworded

Special thanks goes to my parents, sister, brother, and all my friends who stood beside me, may God make all your dreams come true

P.S I fixed the comments problem and you can now comment a bit more easier