
Thursday, March 24, 2011

What is the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit windows?

A question that I’ve been asking for a very long time, but never cared to look for an answer

I thought the difference is not a big deal, u just need to know wether you run a 32 bit or a 64 bit windows when you want to download a certain programs, and that’s it. It turns out that there is actually a big difference that we should understand; especially of you are going to get a new computer, or upgrade your old one

Every CPU has a register, which is a small storage space that the CPS uses to keep the data it wants to access quickly, the register thus helps in optimize your computer performance (as it finds the data it need to access quickly without wasting time)

Now the 32 bit and 63 bit thingy, refers to the size (width) of the register, so a 64 bit register is wider than the 32 bit one, and can hold more data, so the computer can access more data quickly and thus boost your performance, handel more tasks, & improve memory utilization

A 32 bit register supports RAMs up to 4G only, and for me I think that is the main implication

So we can say that 64 bit registers can have more RAM (theoretically speaking up to 170billion GB, if they ever manage to invent such a thing), use RAMs more efficient, increase the computer speed, however  some of the drivers for the old devices might not be supported, legacy software (old software) might not be supported too, and you have to  make sure that your mother board would support the extra RAM you are planning to add if you decide to switch to 64 bit system

“Brand failures: The Truth about the 100 Biggest Branding Mistakes of All Time” book review

I’ve been reading this book for almost 2 month now, not because its long, but because it has stories about a hundred famous brands and how they failed or are expected to fail, each brand story is discussed in an average of 3 pages in an interesting way and ends with a “what is learn from the failure story?” which sometimes is a bit silly and contains some repeated material, but it still give a lot of insight

I used to read a “story” or more each day and that’s is why it took me too long, to finish but that was the best thing about the book since the story would take around 10 minutes to read and that makes reading a possibility during school days and maybe exams

The book is very helpful for marketing students, or for anyone interested in the marketing fields, actually I read it because my marketing professor recommended it, as it further enforces the marketing basics and rules through examples that you probably would not forget

The interesting thing that after reading the book you see (or at least I sow) that when companies corrupt or fall, it’s usually because of its heads. That is simple and well known, and the case of the fall of Enron is an undeniable proof on the effects of mal management, but this book shows you that companies don’t need financial managers to manipulate its earnings, or any form of financial scandal to fall, they just need a bad idea embraced by its top management, or an arrogant CEO, and baaaam, everything goes down regardless of how efficient everything was, that idea is not widely spread among the business students I met, we usually believe that well established companies with a good market share won’t easily fall, but that is not the case at all, in fact the arrogance of these companies and their self-esteem is what drives them down

It also showed the real power of marketing, I used to believe that if a product is good it will sell itself with no need for intensive marketing, that is true and the book proves that in many cases, but in others, if your marketing is not good, if customers don’t actually understand what the product is for, or if you unintentionally communicate a bad message through ineffective ads, you are screwed, regardless of how genius the product is

You’ll really think about all the concepts you know about economics, business & marketing, and in some cases many of these concepts will get integrated and more interesting, I recommend reading this book, specially if you would read a story or two from it each day, so you don’t spend a lot of time, and have something to think about all day

Please share your thoughts if you have read the book, or after you read it

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

مشروع لحل مشكله عدم وجود صناديق زباله في الشارع

بالرغم من انا ما بنزلش تقريبا من البيت، وان انا معمولي حظر تجوال بسب البلطجيه، الا ان انا كل ما أنذلل الشارع الاحظ ان الناس برضه راميه ورق وزباله في الشارع
غالبا بقود اقول ان الناس عمرها مهتتغير وان لسه قدمنا كتييييير لغايه ما نبقي دوله متقدمه ولو نسبيا حتي، الا اني لاحظت ان انا – وانا غير فخوره بذلك ابدا – برمي المناديل بالذات في الشارع مع اني من المفروض اني متعلمه ومتنوره وما الي ذلك
في الخقيقي انا برمي الناديل بالذات في الشارع لاني مش بحب احتاها في الشنطه – علي عكس اكياس الشبسي مثلا - ومش بلاقي صناديق زباله ارميهم فيها زي ما انتم اكيد عارفين
كان الحل المنطقي اني اخلي معايا كيس صغير ارمي فيه الزباله وابقي افضيه لما اروح
بس مش كل الناس هتقدر تشتري الأكياس دي، ولو اشتروها مره مش هيشتروها تاني (انا بتكلم عن عامه الشعب الغلابه ودول غالبا اكتر ناس بترمي زباله في الشارع).طب ايه الحل؟
بسيطه زي ما عملنا لجان شعبيه لحمايه البيوت، نشتري صناديق زباله ونعلقها علي عواميد النور
طب ومين هيفضي الصناديق دي؟
بسيطه، نتفق مع شركات النظافه انها تفضيها
بس الموضوع ده هياخد وقت، واعتقد ان الشركات دي مش هتتحمس لمشروع ذي ده بسهوله خاصه انه مش مربح لهذه الدرجه
طب ايه الحل؟
الحل في دآي ان تقوم آحد الجمعيات الاهليه زي دساله او علشانك يا بلدي او او او، بأنشاء صندوق تبرعات مبدأي لفتره قصيره، واعتقد ان الجمعيات دي عندها شعبيه كبيره الي حدا ما و ممكن تجمع المبلغ المطلوب بسرعه، دا اذا مكنش المبلغ ده عندها اصلا لاني لا اعتقد انه كبير
بالفلوس دي هنشتري مجموعه من صناديق الزباله اللي بتتعلق علي العواميد وهنقسم القاهره الي مناطق و نبتدي منطقه منطقه
مثلا هنيتدي بالمعادي (علشان انا سكنه هناك)، احنا عندنا بطاله، وزادت بعد الناس ما رجعت من لبيا، هنوظف مجموعه من العمال دول، وهما اللي هيقوموا بجمع الزباله
طيب الزباله دي هنعمل بيها ايه؟ هنقوم باستأجار مستودع في كل حي، يتم فيه فرز الزباله وبيعها الي شركات اعاده التصنيع recycling
والفلوس دي مع صندرق التبرعات اعتقد ستكون كافيه لتغطيه تكاليف المشروع
بس المشروع ده لازم يصاحبه حملات توعيه للمواطنين بأن يرموا الزباله في الصناديق الجديده بدلا من ان يرموها علي الأرض
ولتجنب اي صدامات مع شركات الزباله، والزبالين بالتحديد، فان هذا المشروع لن يمس مقالب زباله هذه الشركات بأي طريقه، وليس له أي علاقه بزباله البيوت، عشان منقطعش رزق الزبالين و منجبش لنفسنا المشاكل
دي فكره جالتي النهارده، أعتقدأانها تستحق النقاش علي الأقل، وربما تري النور في يوم من الأيام، بس المهم أننا بجد نتعلم منرميش الزباله في الشارع والكلام لنفسي قبل ما يكون لحد تاني

Friday, March 4, 2011

Self Defense practical tips and techniques

We can’t deny that the streets aren’t that safe these days (not that they were originally completely safe), but a lot of stories are coming out about people being attacked, and I think its really high time for us all to take self defense techniques seriously
I did a quick search on the Internet, to find some reasonable things that I can do to defend myself, and I’ll share them with you, may you never use them J

Many people think of self defense as a Karate move to stop the attacker, but self defense means doing EVERYTHING to AVOID fighting the attacker, because probably such a person would have more physical strength than us. Self-defense is about how to use your brains, and not your fists

1.     Rule of thumb, always try to RUN if possible, if they want your money, just hand it to them (salamtak 2a3la men felos el donya) otherwise, if you try to fight, the attacker will get more angry and will probably knock you off and rob you anyway

2.     Rely on your gut feelings and common sense, if you feel you are followed, maybe its your instinct telling you to take care, in that case it would be better to get to a place where there are some people (el 7asa el sata)

3.     Don’t wear jewelry that can attract thieves

4.     Leave your laptops and valuables at home, and no need to show off with your phones while walking down the streets

5.     Don’t act or look as if you are weak or scared, act like you know how to defend yourself, and maintain eye contact with the attacker. He would probably decide to pick another easy target instead of you

6.     Scream (we shabab masr ged3an elhamdulellah), scratch, (that would probably be the time for you to let your nails grow a bit), bite (but keep this your last option), hit them with a bag or any thing you have at hand

7.     NEVER get in a car even if that person is pointing a gun or a knife at u, run if you can, the attacker would probably drive away and look for an easy target, remember that he will harm u for sure if you get in, but if you run away there is still a good chance that he won’t harm you

8.     Use sprays, any kind of sprays pointed to the eyes, hair spray, perfume

9.     Safety is usually in numbers, so if you need to wait for a bus or for someone, stay in well lit populated places, and don’t walk alone lot please

10. When walking, walk against the traffic so you can see who is coming in your face, be aware of everyone passing you, don’t put your headphones on, and be aware of places you can run too if you were attacked, (like shops or restaurants)

11. Don’t wear heels, or restrictive clothes, because you won’t be able to run, wear them only when you are 100% sure that you’ll be with friends ALL the time

12. Wear clothes that allow ease of movement, like jeans & sneakers

13. In public transport, don’t sit next to the window, sit on the side for quick escapes, also sit near the door or behind the driver

14. In the metro or train ride in the populated compartments, or in the one immediately after the driver (make sure that its not the women compartment first if you are a boy J)

15. If you have a private car, always approach it with your keys ready, so you can get in quickly, (no need to spend half an hour looking for your keys in your beg, do you hear me girls), don’t park in isolated places, and never leave it open even if u are near it or doing something that would just takes 5 mins

16. Make sure to lock your car from the inside, and if you need to open the window, make a small opening that doesn’t allow for a human hand to get through

17. While driving, don’t stop if someone tries to stop you, just keep driving if you can (unless the road is blocked, that is another story), eve if that person seems friendly and tells u el 3agala nayma ya basha, sanya keda we 2a3ayrhalak

18. In taxies, be aware of central locks, and don’t sit behind the driver as it would be easy for him to turn around and lock your door

19. Its better to order Cairo Cab, as these driver are easy to trace and they know that

Sometimes you can carry on you weapons that you can use, like
1.     Belts, use them as whip, especially if you can hit with the buckle
2.     Coins can be thrown in the attackers face

3.     If u have a jacket, take it off and use it as a whip too
4.     Lipsticks can be used to poke in the eyes
5.     Hair brush can be used to scratch the eyes
6.     Most importantly, again, use your imagination, think about the daily things you carry with you, and try to imagine how they can be used as weapons, and try to practice how to quickly find and use them, and always consider the different angles and targets to use\

if you are still in for fighting, or the situation forces you to fight back than please watch these 2 videos, there are much more on Youtube of course

May you always be safe
 please add more tips if you can